Posted on 6th Aug 2015
In our previous segment of how to sell to Realtors we talked about the importance of differentiating yourself from your competitors. To read more about how to do this or if you missed last week’s post click here to learn how the importance of positioning your pitch to realtors. This week though is about using your first connection in the office to attract the masses of realtors and become the go to home inspector. Also, if you have still not picked up your report presentation kit click here to order yours today!
Now that you successfully have had your first meeting with a real estate professional it’s not time to stop now! Using your first connection is a perfect way to connect with more realtors in the office and marks you with added credibility when realtors ask for home inspectors from colleagues. As your meeting concludes with your primary realtor offer to leave a kit as a tool for him/her to show clients options when picking a home inspector. Most likely, you will be the only inspector with enough forethought to have given a complete sample report and presentation kit. This tactic abides to last week’s discussion about distinguishing yourself from your competitors, yet allows your reputation and professionalism speak for itself. Point out that one of the main reasons you upgraded to this new package was to bring your image up to the highest possible level so the realtor is reflected as a professional like yourself. Ask if there is one other realtor in the office who might like to see the benefits of your new professional presentation kit. It would be ideal to be introduced right now, but if they are not in offer to leave the copy on their desk with your business card. This will give you a reason to call them back and see if you can have a separate meeting with them to demonstrate the added benefits when using your services.
By setting up meetings with your primary realtors and offering samples of what type of business you run makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Using this tactic stated above where being seen in the office and knowing a select few of primary realtors offers you a tremendous upside when it comes to gaining referrals.
In next week's segment we enter the final part of our series where we will discuss bridging the gap of meeting with new realtors that you have connected with. Along with follow up ideas for meetings and staying in contact with the realtor office. Remember to share this post with your network on LinkedIn and follow our company page for updates every day!