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What You Need to Know About Marketing With an Inspector Slant [Part 1]


Marketing can be considered as one of the most significant factors when it comes to starting and running a home inspection business, but keeping up with marketing on a day to day basis can be more complicated than anticipated. In this post we will talk about how to get started with your marketing plan and what is necessary to promote the services you provide.

To begin, every home inspector should have a comprehensive business plan and state how your company will be different in the market. Failure to communicate your value proposition is one of the main keys to losing traction in the industry resulting in setbacks when trying to market yourself and your business. Click here for important elements to include in your business plan and marketing plan. When developing a strategy to overcome this it is important to spend time to make a plan and stick to it!

When crafting a good marketing plan it is important to have 3 thoughts in mind. Which include:

  1. Be clear, are your customers unclear who you are and what value you bring to them as a home inspector.
  2. Be concise, keep your message short, but be clear of what you want your customers to know about your business.
  3. Be compelling, by following the two statements above make sure to be compelling for your customers to take action.

Now when you start to write your home inspection marketing plan following the 3 statements above will add value and professionalism. You should also include: your company objectives, a detailed scan of the current market, a complete SWOT analysis of your company, and an actionable plan to reach your company objectives. By devoting time to crafting this plan for your home inspection business you will cut out any unnecessary expenses, by sticking to your plan new opportunities will rise where you can stay focused on marketing to yourself to new clients. To conclude, this plan must be kept flexible as possible, and not to scramble if you veer off from your plan. Having the ability to adjust your marketing plan to shifting markets keeps you competitive and differentiate your company as one that adapts to new market trends. If you fail to keep this as one of your most valuable business assets it is possible that you are not taking full advantage of all the ways to target your audience.

Next week stay tuned as we dive deeper into what to include in your marketing plan and how to target the client base you have always wanted. Use the links above to start drafting your business and marketing plan, but keep in mind the 3 C’s of writing a successful plan for your home inspection business.